Saturday, August 13, 2005

So last night I went to the Mission Theatre with my mother and her husband to see "The Interpreter." Although the nachos were good, and beer is always good, they had some technical difficulties when starting the movie which made me a little skeptical about seeing a movie there again. Not to mention the seating is a bit uncomfortable in comparison to the Kennedy School. While drinking while seeing a movie is a novel idea, it's probably not the best idea for someone like me who has a bladder the size of a lima bean. The movie itsself was "ok".
It was interesting, but not completely riveting. Not bad as in I would leave the theatre over it, but definately worth waiting till I could see it for a mere 3 bucks with a beer. Oddly enough I've only ever left a theatre once, and it was a Nicole Kidman flick.. go figure.

Today I took Wesley to the Hugh Pool on Esther St. for their "Doggy Swim Day". Apparently they removed all of the chlorine from their indoor pool and allowed dogs to come swim for $6. Totally worth it. Wesley loves to swim and he had a great time. It was really fun to watch all the dogs jumping into the pool for the myriad of tennis balls and frisbees available. I even saw an Irish Wolfhound swim! That's worth the show right there if you've never seen one. They are enormously tall dogs, but what a cool calm temperment. They also had a mini agility course, a barbecue (for the people) and some vendors as well, with all the proceeds benefitting the local humane society!

Well it's off to my other job for the evening.... I'll post pics from the Doggie swim when I get them developed... Damn I need a digital camera!~


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