Monday, October 17, 2005

Mell of a Hess...

After visiting Eldon at the hospital for a while, I came back to my apartment. I'd been gone for nearly 24 hours. I expected a lot worse. Wesley had the run of the apartment and I would never expect him to hold it for that long. I figured there would be a pee trail from my front door to my back door as he paced back and forth wishing someone would let him out. Amazingly, there was no such trail, nor even a puddle. Poor Wesley held it the entire time. He really is the best dog ever.

I went into the bathroom and it was a whole nother story.... Rikka isn't housetrained yet, so she was in my bathroom. I knew I'd be gone for a while and it would be cruel to leave her in a crate for that long. It was worse than I expected.... I knew there would be a mess to clean up. I figured a little puddle and a couple of little poop pieces to pick up.

The whole bathroom looked like a monkey grabbed handfuls of it and flung poo all over my bathroom floor! I can't blame her for going, and I didnt even so much as yell at her, but man, why'd she have to track it all over in there? :( So after letting both dogs relieve themselves outside, I came back in to sigh heavily as I completely scoured my bathroom and cleaned it top to bottom. Ah well, such is life when you are the sole caregiver of dogs and you can't always be there.


Blogger a_dog's_life said...

Yeah it was pretty bad, but now the dogs are camped at Eldon's and I can go let them out a few times so they don't suffer, and neither does my bathroom!

1:18 PM  

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