Towne Lounge...

After the day at the zoo, we met up with Son of Rust for their show at the Towne Lounge. That place was really hard to find, which is why I believe that there was very few people there. Only the die hard fans made it out to the show. It was a really small venue, and an even smaller stage. The sound system was about the equivalent of a boom box too, but all in all it was a fun show because all the people there really cared about Justin and Ben.
Eldon ordered a Long Island, which was a big mistake... It was quite possibly the worst Long Island ever made. Stick to their selection of bottled beer, they can't mess that up. It was so bad, he made everyone try it.. Why do people do that? Everyone does it. "This milk is sour, taste it!" "Oh this smells aweful, smell it!"
I even jumped up on stage during one of their songs and danced, just for fun. Ben gave me the "WTF" look, and Justin even jumped a bit because he didn't realize I was there for the first minute.
Playing with them was James D. Stark. I'd met him several times but never actually got to see him perform until then. His voice is amazing. I was quite impressed.
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