So my birthday was in August. However I seem to have inherited my father's disease. I like to call it CTD or Chronic Tardiness Disorder. It seems that everyone in my family on my father's side has this affliction. As such, I just recieved my birthday care package from my dad today. I'm in no way complaining, because a care package from my dad is one of the coolest things one can recieve. Every time he runs across something that reminds him of me, he snags it and tosses it into a box. When the box is full he sends it. This takes time. It's usually a box of silly trinkets and fun little items that don't cost much and wouldn't mean anything to anyone else but him or I. Those are the best kinds of gifts. Included in this care package was this card.

To anyone who knows me well, this card made me laugh out loud. There was a really co

ol travel bag in there, which I will put to use on my trip to Eugene on Saturday, some stuffed animals, a few odds and ends items that would take longer to describe than it would be to interest anyone reading this, and something I wanted for a long time.... My very own Serta Sheep!
Dear A Dog's Life,
I love dogs too! I have had dogs all my life, sometimes more than one at a time like you. I think dogs are the greatest!
I am a blast from your past. I am probably the friend of your Dad's that he's known and kept in touch with the longest. I love your blog and all the pictures! You write very well too. What you said about your Dad was really cool. You probably know this already but you are always in his heart and on his mind. He talks about you often and he keeps me up to date on how you are doing. You seem to be doing great and having a lot of fun; it's good that you are "smelling the roses" along the way. I wish you continued laughs and smiles :)
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