I hate dry food. I'm the kind of person who when I order a salad, I order extra dressing so I can drown it. I can't eat a roast or Thanksgiving turkey without gravy. I love chips and dip, pretty much anything that I can dip... So after going to a meeting for work, I met up with Corey at the
Melting Pot, a fondue restaurant downtown. Instead of doing the 4 hour dinner cheese thing, we decided on doing the desser

t menu. There were a variety of dilectable chocolate choices to choose from, but we decided on milk chocolate. I will have to go back to try the Bailey's or Amaretto swirls with the chocolate.
They gave us strawberries, banana slices, pineapple wedges, oreo covered marshmallows, brownies, pound cake and cheesecake to dip into the melted chocolate goodness.

Corey has definate skill with a fondue fork.

I however don't. :( I kept losing my fruit in the chocolate.

We chatted for a bit about work, life, music and other bs, and I gave him copies of the pics I took at the Combichrist show we went to together in back in July. We walked back to my car and I played him some
Son of Rust, and invited him to the show Tuesday, but he won't be able to make it. :( He said "they're surprisingly good", and will try to make it to the next local show.

Then I went over to make soup for Eldon who's still suffering from the wrath of the Jesse cold plague. We watched "The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl". I don't know why. I had no desire to watch it, in fact, I'd never even heard of it... but it turned out to be pretty neat. It was a kid's movie, and the effects were kinda cool. I wish I had been able to see it in 3-D. It had similarities to the Neverending Story, so we decided it was the Neverending Story for the new millenium.
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