Lord of War....

Sunday, Eldon, Warren and I went to see the new movie Lord of War. We mostly went to see it because of Warren's obsession with weaponry... but I thought it was incredibly well done. It was visually stunning and gritty with a message, but it wasn't thrown at you.. instead it was subtly aimed. I never stopped to think about how the gun running industry worked. I'm sure it was pretty much like that.

I'm posting this picture ----->
because Warren really liked it. After the movie, we wandered around the theatre looking for this poster and he couldn't find it.
damn I just threw out a stack of those posters the other day. I may still have some swag somewhere
damn I just threw out a stack of those posters the other day. I may still have some swag somewhere
Really? That's cool.. I'd love to get ahold of one for Warren. Let me know if you find one. :)
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