Groupie time!

I saw this flyer while wandering around downtown Portland on Tuesday. I was actually waiting for Eldon to finish his third interview for Wygant, and I wandered into the vintage clothing store called Magpie. While browsing, I saw the shelf by the door that held Wilamette Week and various other things, along with this!
Ironically, as I began scanning the flier into my computer today, my dad called me. Go figure..
Anyway, that's where I will be tonight. More on that after the show!

So I went to the show... Being that it was an all ages show, I invited my brother Brian to come. We haven't had the chance to really get to know each other since he became an adult. (He's 19, doesn't live at home, supports himself.. you know.. not really an adult, but starting to become his own person instead of a child who has to be what his parents want him to be in order to live under their roof....)
We got there late due to the fact that I didn't get out of work till 8:30. Even with my brother's crazy driving in his barely street legal new Mustang, we still missed the first fe

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