Don't Park In My Space!~!

Ok so I have to rant about this....
I've lived in my apartment complex for two months. Originally I had a space on the other side of my apartment. We have ASSIGNED PARKING! This means you get a nifty little sticker that coinsides with the number clearly painted at the back end of the parking space. There are signs ALL OVER the complex stating that if you park in assigned spots you will be towed. I complained several times to the manager that someone was parking in my spot. In fact, I complained so many times, that she decided to give me a completely different parking spot, on the other side of my building. The problem ceased for about two weeks. Tonight, YET again.. someone was in my spot. I called to have them towed. I was told to call every single time someone was in my spot so that eventually people would get the message. This is about accurate of the number of times I've had cars towed out of my spot. I'm sure eventually someone is going to get miffed and do something nasty to my car.. but still.. if you can't read, you shouldn't be driving..

I also wanted to add this pic to my blog because it had to do with dogs..
How the heck do you tow a dog anyway? If they don't know how to walk on leash properly, don't they tow you? And next question... do they cite the dog? Leave a parking ticket on their collar?
Nope, I live in little mexico.
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