Monday, August 29, 2005

The joys of cheap apartment living...

So last night I'm taking my garbage out, and as I'm walking to the dumpster, a cop car drives by me. No problem, till I see that he drives past me and stops next to two other cop cars...
I have no idea what happened, but lets just say this isnt the first time I've seen police vehicles in my complex. As a matter of fact, about two weeks ago, I was walking Wesley outside my apartment, and an officer walks up to me and asks where apartment 57 is. I reply, "Um, well.. I live in 55, which is right there, so I think it's upstairs." He goes around to the front of my building and not long after, they raid that apartment....

Today's special: I'm trying to get my house cleaned because my friend Jesse is flying out from NY to visit me over Labor Day weekend, and although he already knows I'm not the neatest person in the world, I'd like to at least have it somewhat neat when he arrives. So I'm standing in my kitchen when I hear two little kids talking outside my window.

Little girl to little boy: "What's your name?"
Little boy: "Joshua."
Little girl: "Where do you live?"
little boy: "Over there.. Where do you live?" (I assume they're pointing because I'm not looking out the window, I'm just listening.)
little girl: "Who do you live with?"
little boy: "My mom. My dad's in jail."
little girl: "I live with my daddy. I don't have a mom."
little boy: "You have to have a mom!"

Well at least we can assume the kids know a little about human development... at this point I couldn't stomach listening anymore. This reaffirms one of the many reasons I don't have children. It also reminds me that I hate my apartment complex.


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