New Duds and Old Friends.

Today my mother and I finally got together to go clothes shopping for my birthday. She said she felt it was more personal to do something like that rather than just give me money. Although I probably could have used money more, I haven't bought a stitch of new clothing in ages, so this was equally as great a gift. We went to the Burlington Coat Factory. To my surprise they had some really cute clothes there. Silly me, I thought they just sold coats. We could only do it on my mom's lunch break, so it was almost like a timed shopping spree. Speed shopping was fun! I just grabbed a bunch of stuff I liked, not looking at prices, barely pausing to ensure the sizes were right and took a zillion hangers into the dressing room. Tried everything on, found a bunch of stuff I liked and came out. We were done in an hour. She also bought me a sandwich and said goodbye. I like my mom in small doses. The one hour shopping spree was just the right amount. Plus my mom is kinda a milf, so she does know how to dress.
I then spent some time figuring out my college mess. Come to find out I'm too late to get into the program, and they have closed admission to it till next May! It made me want to beat my head against my desk, but I'm sure I'll figure out something to do in the mean time. I'm just kicking myself for not finishing when I was in PA. Things would be so much different if I had. Ah well... such is life.
Then it was off to work with 3 puppies and 5 adult dogs at work.
After work, I finally got in contact with my old high school buddy Chris. We went to the Arnada Cafe in downtown Vancouver for a few drinks, some really bad pool against his friends Nate and Orlando, and then I proceeded to school him at Ms. Pac Man. Good times!
Chris is going to totally kill me for posting this old pic from back in the day....

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