Thursday, August 18, 2005

Back to Reality

After my crazy "weekend" (which happens to fall on a Tuesday)... it was time for me to go home and get some stuff done. I did manage to make it to lunch with my mother, as per the agreement set forth upon my arrival to the northwest.

We went to Izzy's. For those of you who don't know what Izzy's is.. it's a pizza place, but it also has a really great buffet bar and salad bar.

I completely gorged myself on salad, different types of pizza, fried chicken, and some really great garlic noodle things, while showing my mom, her husband and my little brother (he's 19, so not so little) the videotape of our destruction of watermelons and electronic equipment. Needless to say, my brother thought it was cool, my mom and her husband didn't really get why it was so fun. /shrug. Because I've been spending so little time at home, I haven't really had the chance to do things like clean my house.

I managed to get some dishes done though!


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