Gute Nahrung und Freunde!

That's German for Good Food and Friends... that's exactly what Sunday was like for me. I've decided that since I've been spending so much time away from home, that Sunday was Wesley's day. Upon making that decision I started looking for a good place I could go enjoy some quality food and drinks, and still spend time with my best friend Wesley. Portland Pooch dot com is by far one of the

They also had some incredibly interesting beer choices. I went for the Pepsi and Beer combo they offered, and sampled the Lemonade Beer also. While that may sound sorta gross, it was actually very good. I guess it's just a matter of finding the right beer for the combination to work.

Then came the meal.... I'm not quite sure how to pronounce it, except to say that it was scrumptious! Sauerbraten I believe is what it was called, and it was a roasted beef so tender that just evaporated in your mouth with each bite, and some potatos with bacon mixed in. The wait staff was incredibly friendly, and even offered Wesley a job as a dishwasher!

Catering to Wesley's ball obsession

Showered with puppy kissses!

2 Great Dane puppies playing tug

A Very Happy Spoiled Rotten Doggie
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