I spent the actual weekend working. Nothing exciting there really. I worked from 11am to 8pm at one job, then came home long enough to let Wesley out, feed him and take a sho

wer before heading to my second job till 3am... Rinse, repeat for Saturday. I missed my weekly lunch Wednesday with Mom due to my brother's car accident (he got rear ended at a dead stop by a tow truck driver going 40, he's ok but his Mustang is totalled. :( So we decided to do it Saturday morning before I went to work. Barely coherant, I went. We went to the Peachtree restaurant on Hwy 99. Their food is very good, but wow do they give you a lot.
I did manage to get a couch! Well of sorts anyway. My mom had an old futon she was going to get rid of, and since the furniture in my house consists of exactly a desk chair and a bed, it was helpful to have. I enlisted the help of Eldon and my brother Brian to lift and transport it into my apartment.

Then Eldon and I went to see The 40 Year Old Virgin. I have always liked Steve Carrell, ever since I saw him on the Daily Show, and his parts in Bruce Almighty and Anchorman, as well as on the show The Office. Although he was the essentially the same guy he is in all of those parts, he's still very funny to watch. There are some really laugh out loud funny parts in that movie. Like where he gets his chest waxed... I think he really did that for the movie for real... "You look like a man-o-lantern!" If you like to laugh at silly, slapstick, embarrassing moment humor, you'd really like this movie. I really did.
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