My Aunt Michelle Rocks!!

So after recovering from a really late night at the show, we drove from Seattle up to Camano Ilsand to see my aunt. She just recently married an incredibly cool guy named Duane and was just glowing with happiness. It was so great to see her so happy. I hadn't seen her in ab

Then we got the dogs into it as well..

I love these pictures... One of the reasons I spend so much time with Eldon is that my dog absolutely loves him. Since Wesley is a much better judge of character than I am, I think I'll keep him around. He seems to really like Wesley too. :)
Duane was washing his son's car, and I joking
ly said, "you can wash mine too if you want." I couldn't believe it, but my aunt Michelle's husband actually washed my car!!!! It hasn't looked that good since I bought it. She's right, he totally rocks!
Chelsea is a really fun girl too. Hopefully we will stay in touch. We had a lot of fun just taking a run to the grocery store to get a cake for Nick's birthday. "What's a torte!?"
So after dinner and a little more chatting and catching up, Eldon, Wesley and I hopped back in the car for the 5 plus hour drive home. Wesley looked like we felt, and he did the funniest thing.. He crawled in the backseat and went behind my seat, curled up and went to sleep. This is funny because I've never seen him do this. A 75lb dog curled up in a neat little ball on the floor behind the driver's side seat of a Honda Civic...
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