I'm heading off to Eugene, OR for the
Son of Rust show. Should be lots of fun! Pics and stories when I return!

Eldon and I drove down to Eugene after I got off work on Saturday. We arrived at Diablos & The Downtown L

ounge around 9pm. We met up with Justin and Ben and the people from Empty Room as well as Eldon's mom, Ben's dad, and Chad.

We chatted for what seemed like an aweful long time before they started setting up for the show. The sound check also seemed a bit long, and that's when Justin comes down off the stage and claims he's screwed unless anyone has a keyboard and mouse lying around.. This was part one of their technical problems for the night.

Marlene, (Eldon's mom) managed to go to her nearby office building and grab a wireless keyboard and mouse in no time and saved the day! She even got props from the stage by a very grateful Justin and Ben.

Flustered, they managed to start off the show pretty well. Then the right projector went out during the second song! They managed to make it work again, but it then gave everything a strange blue tint.

Barring all the technical difficulties, it was still a great show. After the show, Ben was full of energy. He was literally bouncing off the walls!

So me, Eldon, Ben, Justin and Chad piled into Chad's car and grabbed some drinks, drive thru mexican food and silly glasses to have our own little after party at their room. By "after party" I mean we all sat around watching stand

up on Comedy Central, drinking Mike's Hard Cranberry and Blonde Ale, joking about trashing the room because they're "rockstars now" and talking about our favorite
Sealab episodes. I had a great time, and I think the boys are still boggled by the story of Rindacellar.
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