I haven't posted in a while. Mostly because I've not been doing much that's incredibly exciting to read about. I've been working a lot and not had much time for anything else... That and I had my computer out of commission for a bit. Thanks to the wonderfully talented computer wizard, (we'll call him Eldon) it's back and better than ever! I finally stepped out of the dark ages and got rid of my old operating system. I was still using Windows ME (gasp!)
So... what's been going on? Not a whole lot....
I had a couple graduations at work:
Buddy, Cassanova, Trixie and Shaps
Tucker, Sockee, Bernie, Whiskey and Cody
Tana, Aspen, Buddy, Gracee, Alex and Mellow
all graduated this week. The last one though, was the most fun I've had doing a graduation. Tana's parents, Mike and Sally are such wonderful people. They even brought a cake!

I also checked out all the hype about the doggie day camp at the Beaverton Petsmart location. I was actually really impressed. It looked like the dogs were having a lot of fun, and the place was surprisingly clean for having a bunch of dogs running around in it. Apparently they clean it once an hour, and they have three separate locations for the dogs, so they can separate the big dogs from the little ones, and kennels in case the dogs aren't feeling so well or they get too rough they can go on a time out.

I was most jealous though, about the fact that their training ring is also encased in the glass.

All in all, it looks like a fun place to take your dog for the day. They have someone in there with the dogs, watching them constantly to make sure everyone "plays nice", and it's not that expensive. It's like $22 for the day and it would be great to drop off those high energy dogs there while you go to work and when you get off, pick them up and they are just as tired as you. I love the idea of doggy day camps and I wish more people would do that for their dogs.
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