Abby, Warren's girlfriend has been sick for like two weeks. It seems that she managed to give it to everyone. Warren's sick, Eldon's sick, and I have a touch of it too. It's not fun. We keep teasing her that she has bird flu and that she should stop licking dead birds.
Because of this, Eldon was feeling just aweful all day and decided to call in sick. I'm not that bad, but I was glad he decided not to go in because I had the day off. Yay!

We bummed around his house until around 5pm when Warren called up Brie and suggested we all go see Hostel. It was totally a Warren movie. For him, the more gore the better. It was definately that. I thought for a movie with NO known actors, that it was written, acted and directed well, and it was definately gory but it wasn't that scary. Some parts were even so ridiculous that they were funny. Like the guy slipping in the blood and sawing his own leg off with the chainsaw... Way to go, moron! All in all, I think it's a good rental, but seeing it in the movies is a bit too much to pay.
I wanted to see it for the naked Eastern Block chicks...
I'm mail order bride hunting.
LOL! Oh yeah, there was quite a lot of gratuitous nudity in it too. Boob-Men will definately like this flick.
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