Grandpa's Moonshine...

I can't even accurately describe it. There were white helium balloons on the celing that had little lights in them, candles and feathers everywhere, 20's postcards on the wall, jazz music playing throughout the apartment, and everything was bathed in a blue light hue. Jesse is going to school in NY for lighting, and it was obvious. It's amazing how lighting can set the whole mood. He's definately good at it. They even rented a table made of wine casks for the bar to set up on.
The guys looked so hansome in their suits and fedoras,
and the girls looked sexy in their flapper type gowns.
We had a fantastic meal, (as usual when you go to Jesse and Ildiko's, another thing they do well is cook.) It came in several courses, a salad, a ham, twice baked potatos, bacon peas, garlic cheese rolls (I ate WAY too many of those!) and complete with a ridiculously good cheesecake drizzled in caramel. I don't even like cheesecake (a sin, I know) and I liked it, a lot.
Warren, as always was resident bartender.
Which means we all got a little silly after dinner....
Warren showed us Jesse's signiture "fairy dance"...
and we saw Brie and Ildi's underpants!
I bit a couple ties....
and we all grabbed Eldon's fly!
A fantastic time was had by all.
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