King Kong & the snow

One happy doggie!
Then we went to see King Kong. The hype is not unwarranted. It was awesome! I loved Peter Jackson films even before he did the Lord of the Rings series, simply because he is very passionate about whatever he does, and after doing LoTR, it's nice that his talent is recognized and he's been granted his artistic license (not to mention budget) to do whatever he wants now. It didn't even seem like 3 hours. My only complaint about the movie was that the momentum seemed to slow down near the end.
Without spoiling it (although there should be a statute of limitations on spoilers, the movie is like 50 years old) my favorite part of the movie is just after this picture....
For many, many reasons. 1) I was on the edge of my seat, found myself ducking and cheering, 2) The effects were done so well you actually felt like you were there. 3) Sheer appreciation for how long and difficult a rendering process that had to be to put together such a spectacle.
When we left the theatre, we discovered that it had actually snowed! The parking lot was a sheet of ice. It was a tedious drive back to Eldon's place, but I was really glad I had brought my dogs with me, because no way were we driving back on an ice skating rink. Then came the fun part.... Rikka has never seen snow before! These pictures were taken in succession....
Rikka: WTF is that crap down there, and damn it's cold!
Rikka: What the...? You're putting me down?!
Rikka: Cold, cold, cold, I don't like it...
Rikka: Screw this, I'm outta here!
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