Skinny Puppy

Today I met an older couple who was walking a very skinny 16 week old weimaraner puppy proudly through the store. I immediately gravitate toward puppies, but weim puppies especially. I greeted them and the puppy, as did Wesley, and immediately I commented on how skinny he was. You could see all of his ribs!
They explained to me that they had just got him... of all places, from a "needy family auction." It's where they auction off random items (most ceased from police cases) and the proceeds go to needy families. That's great! Apparently the older couple goes to these auctions all the time, (the man is a retired officer) but they never expected to see a puppy there. They immediately bid on the puppy and got him. The man said that he used to raise German Shorthairs, so I knew that this puppy was going to go to a prepared, fantastic home. He said he planned on hunting Smokey (the name they had given the pup) once he was healthy and trained, and added as he patted his belly, "we don't have a problem fattinging things up around here." Hopefully they will come back to me to help with their initial training before he goes to hunting classes. Either way, I know the pup will be in good hands.
I had another class with Cody today, and he's still improving. I even overheard one of my other students comment to a customer in the store how much he has drastically improved since the first week. That really made me feel good.
I also had a brand new class start today. A great big Husky/Malamute mix, a Sharpei mix, a Pointer/Lab mix, a beagle, and a Pit Bull ironically named "Mellow" who is anything but. This class seems to be fairly trouble free, with the exception of the Pointer/Lab mix who is reactive around other dogs ONLY when food is concerned. When I say fairly trouble free, I mean the dogs definately need some direction and manners, but no major issues like most of my adult dog classes seem to have lately.
All in all, I had a pretty good day.
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