It ain't Jumanji

Today Eldon and I went to see Zathura. While it was fun and the special effects were cool, we both decided Jumanji was better. Zathura had some neat stuff happen, but there wasn't the whole "neighborhood gets trashed and the city is in chaos" thing going for it like Jumanji did. They were in space, so the only thing that happened was things that happened to and around the house. It was pretty funny though. My favorite character was the bitchy sister, and she really didn't even have that big of a part. However her discovery line cracked us both up. "And I wanted to...."
Even though Jumanji was better, (how can you top Robin Williams anyway?) it was still a fun way to spend an afternoon. I would recommend seeing it in the theatre, just because space movies are so much more fun there, rather than renting it.
So is there a movie that you WON'T see? :-)
I'm lucky if I go to the theater once every two months.
That's me: picky picky picky.
No, I'll pretty much watch anything. Must be the video production background in me, I appreciate all types of films. I've only shut off two rentals and walked out of a theatre once in my whole life. Besides, it's better than sitting at home. :)
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