Cody week 2...

I had my 6pm class with Cody again today. He's already showing vast improvement over last week. He and his "mom" arrived around 5:30 and I didn't hear him bark until class began. We did some walking around today, I was teaching the "parents" how to walk without the dogs pulling, and when we stopped I lined all the dogs up and the dogs had to walk by each other without pulling toward the other dogs. Each time a dog passed Cody, if he reacted, he got corrected with his Gentle Leader being pulled snug, and if he didn't react he got praise and treats. He's no dummy. He's already started to figure this out. I really think he's going to be ok. :)
In other news, Rikka is in heat. I was hoping to get her spayed before this happened, to save me a whole lot of irritation, but I wasn't fast enough. Now that she's in heat, Wesley won't leave her alone. He comes up to her and sniffs her rear, lifting her whole back end off the ground, while whining incessantly. In turn, when she gets annoyed by it, she turns around and growls and bites him on the lip. This goes on ad nauseum all night long. The worst part about it is that Wesley has turned into a complete hornball and even tried to hump Rosemary's leg the other night! He's only ever tried that on 2 people before her EVER. This is going to be a long heat...
I think I may have found, albeit a costly way to keep his interest off her until she's done with her heat so I can get her spayed. Technically, you can spay a dog while she's in heat, but there's risk of complications because she will bleed more, and I don't want to risk it with a dog who only weighs 6 lbs. Wesley LOVES his Bully Sticks. They usually take him a day and a half of constant chewing to get through them, and very little can take his interest away from them. I bought him one tonight, and he's enthralled in it. I may actually get to relax a bit tonight! Yay for Bully Sticks!
bully sticks = dried bull penises, yes?? I know dogs love 'em, but... Ew!
You are correct. However I would rather my dog eat a bull penis than have him kill my little dog trying to mate with her. :(
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