Saturday, November 19, 2005

Laughing all the way....

After I got off work I had to rush down to Harvey's to meet up with Eldon, Justin, Jessica and Rosemary to see the show. The opening MC sucked horribly. His delivery was off, so even when he did manage to say something funny it didn't come across as funny. He was also sort of offensive and not in a funny way.

Thankfully, Colleen Crabtree was one of the featured comedians and she was hillarious, so the MC sucking was soon thwarted by her quick wit and excellent delivery.
Then Ron Feingold came on. He was pretty good too. However Justin commented that he saw the EXACT same show from him 5 years ago. Which of course explains why some of his jokes were a little dated. He was still funny though, just needs some new material. I was impressed by his acapella singing, but not enough to warrant buying any of the crap he was selling. Even the F U (Fuck You University) tshirt was skipped.

When the show let out, Rosemary headed home and Eldon, Justin, Jessica and myself went over to Embers. Using the restroom at Embers is always interesting, because there is almost always at least one man dressed as a woman using our restrooms. I got stopped by one of them and he/she talked my ear off. I was gifted with a card for the karaoke variety show "they" do. So if anyone is interested....

Eldon decided to "people watch" in lieu of dancing.

They played a lot of 80's music, which was fun, and I couldn't control the urge to whip out a scrunchie put up a side pony tail for a laugh.

Jessica does a pretty impressive robot, by the way....

Since my dance partner was "not feeling it", Justin got all the attention.

Somehow, I don't think he minded one bit though.

Eventually, we did manage to get Eldon on the dance floor too, and a good time was had by all.


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