I had a really long day. I got another really neat care package from my dad. Again it was filled with things most people would look at and go, "Um, ok. Uhhh thanks." But I thought was just really neat. I got another Serta Sheep.. I love those things! This one is the "female" which has brown eyes instead of blue ones and bendable legs. If she has bendable legs and she's supposed to be the female, what are they trying to say here?! But I digress. The coolest part about having them, is that most people have to buy a $1200 bed to get one, and I have two of them. :P

There were other various things in there, like this really neat light up fan thingy. I can't even describe it, but it's just a really cool little thing. All of which may seem silly, but I treasure every item because it means my dad was thinking about me each time he got one of these unique items. There were also some awesome home made christmas cookies and such made by my step mom. Her cookies are the best in the world, trust me on this.

Then I went to work. The first half of the day was the usual, talking to people, selling classes, etc. When I came back from lunch, the whole store was buzzing about
the puppy. One of the employees found an 8 week old (my guess is Chocolate Lab/German Shorthair) puppy wandering around cold and helpless in our parking lot! What the hell is wrong with people?! At first we thought perhaps it snuck out of the car, because she was very clean, smelled good, was a healthy weight and didn't have any fleas or mange.. But after I carried her around the store for a couple hours and nobody came in frantic about losing a puppy, it was clear that she was dumped. She could have been killed!

So I carried her around with me while I talked to people before my classes and told everyone how she had been found in the parking lot. One of our groomers agreed to take her with the promise that if the owner came in in the next few days she would give the puppy back.
Honestly, if you lost your puppy in the parking lot and you weren't in the store visibly upset within minutes, you don't deserve the dog.. but that's my opinion. At least now she will have a good home.

At 6, I had my class with Cody. He's doing really well, we were walking around and having people greet him and give him treats. He was alright with everyone but the men. So I told his mom he needs to be exposed to more men and lots more little dogs, because they still set him off too. Other than that, he's doing exceptionally well. I finally got a couple pictures of him. Now you can see how HUGE this dog is for 7 months old.

at 7:30 I had another class. This one has a really hyper 5 month old Weimaraner puppy named Tana, who has a tail! I've never seen a weim puppy with a tail in person before. Those things are like crazy little whips! I probably wouldn't have docked Wesley's tail if it wasn't already done when I got him, but I'm sure glad it was. With as much as these dogs wag their tail, I'd never be able to keep anything on a shelf or table.
Ebay has about 119 auctions for Serta sheep, starting at $7.50. Who says you have to buy the bed!
You have way too much time on your hands if you actually went looking for that ebay info so you could come here and post it.
I imagine it takes much longer to look up and copy links to, say, info about huskies and skijorring, or to comment-post the entire results of a search you did on 'Brandy needs.'
But whatever. ;)
I know.. I admittedly have too much time on my hands too. :)
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