I finally got the chance to hang out with my friend Geoff again. I was looking for excuese to shrik my responsibilies of cleaning my house, (although I did manage to get some cleaning done.) Ironically, I had vacuumed my house using Eldon's borrowed vacuum cleaner yesterday before going to my mom's and unwrapping my own!
Geoff is a microbrew whore. So I asked him if he'd ever had

anything from the Hazel Dell Brew Pub here in Vancouver. While I waited for him to show up, which unfortunately took a lot longer than either of us anticipated due to some unruly traffic and a combination of my bad directions and the fact that neither of us was born with an internal compass, it did allow me some time to clean my apartment.
He hadn't been to the pub in question, so it was a good excuse for him to come up and have

some. He said the brews were good-alright, but the food was fantastic, which was my assumption all along. We chatted about some of his faux pas dating experiences of late and Christmas etc, and then enjoyed our lunch/dinner.
Geoff really loves him some microbrew samplers!

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