Good times, Good friends, and a moment of Dumbassery TM

Tonight after work I went to yet another Son of Rust show. They were playing at Rock n Roll Pizza. I'd never been there before. It was an all ages show, so they had the main area, and then a bar area in the back. My friend Billy got me on the house guest list so I didn't have to pay cover, (which was very cool, since I'm broke after the whole Rikka knee x-ray thing).
I walked in to be greeted by Justin, Ben, Warren, Jason, Bekka, and Geoff (my myspace microbrew whore friend whom I had invited.) Billy walked in at the same time as me, which was lucky because there was some confusion as to which guest list I was actually on. Tad and Seth joined later, as well as two of Geoff's friends, Aaron and Simon.

As usual, the other bands who played before Son of Rust sucked ass... They were mostly emo rock or as Billy put it, could only be described as "Wyld Stallions" tribute bands.
Eldon couldn't come because he was sick, to which Geoff replied that he must be my "made up boyfriend." Justin didn't help matters, by telling me that I had to let the charade end. Geoff is now convinced that I sat around watching Firefly reruns in my pajamas pausing on the doctor's face, shouting, "He IS my boyfriend!" One of these days they WILL meet.
The show was great, despite the crappy timeslot. A lot of people cleared out before they went on stage at midnight. I guess all those "all agers" had to get home before they turned into pumpkins. I'm glad that Geoff and his friends and Billy stuck around though, because they really seemed to like the music.
Now for the moment of Dumbassery TM :
(Dumbassery is a term coined by Goeff to describe, simply put a moment where someone does the stupidest thing that can be done in a particular moment in time.)
My friend Casey was also supposed to come out tonight too, and so I was expecting perhaps a phone call from him, so I put my cell phone in my back pocket of my really tight khaki pants..... Having a few drinks, it was time to "break the seal". I went into the restroom and pulled my pants down. Just as I did this, the cell phone literally jumped out of my back pocket and landed, (You guessed it) RIGHT in the toilet!
"SHIT ON ME!" I believe was the profanity that spewed forth from my mouth as I snatched the phone out of the cold toilet water. (Thankfully, this happened before I made any sort of deposit into the toilet.) I immediately took the back, battery and card out of the phone and frantically dried them off with toilet paper, and said a little prayer to the phone god that this would allow the phone to continue working. I don't know if it worked, as I'm still afraid to put the pieces back together... I know I needed a new cell phone, but this was NOT the way I planned on getting one. Will update on that later.

Ben and Melissa are so cute together!
Billy, myself, and Geoff
Warren warming up with his "practice putty"
We teased Ben that he was wearing a picture of Jason on his shirt. Both looked like mad scientists.
Geoff and Aaron performing "straw felatio"
Billy fed me jello shots!
Geoff has a bit of a drinking problem.
Finally after having to suffer through several hours of bad music, Son of Rust took the stage.

Y'know...I SHOULD trademark "Dumbassery".
My brother and I were actually commenting on how it sounds like an English countryside province or something.
"Yes, jolly good, you'll take a left at Stratford on Avon, and straight on to Dumbassery. Chip chip and all that!"
I love your velvet shirt Brandy, that color looks amazing with your hair! :D
Cool pics there Brandy... some of them won't open all big like when I click on 'em though... could you email me the whole package?
Geoff and crew - thanks for coming out!
I was sooooo wrong about warren.he's a great guy and a fantastic drummer. Chalk up the initial impression to too much alcohol on my part.... (eek)
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