Poor Lambchop!
I've been strangely motivated since the new year began. Strangely motivated to take better care of myself, try new things, be neater, etc. Some would call it a Resolution, but I don't like to use that word because almost ALL New Year's Resolutions get tossed aside quite quickly.
This burst of motivation made it so that I got up and started cleaning my house. Something I've put off for far too long. I don't spend a whole lot of time at home, so it wasn't that messy, but I do have two dogs and a whole lot of dust. I completely scoured my bathroom and scrubbed my tub and floor on my hands and knees. I cleaned my toilet with an old toothbrush.. I was friggin thorough! Wesley's happy to have his favorite water bowl back though. /sigh
When I was done, I felt thoroughly accomplished, but had several hours before I was going to pick Eldon up from work. I decided to call my friend Chris. He was home, awake, hungry and bored... PERFECT! We met for lunch in downtown Vancouver, at Coffee Talk, a greek deli and coffee place. It was nice. Somehow we got on a conversation where Chris is convinced that Bill Gates is the Antichrist. "Taking over the world, one household at a time," and that his instrumental army is Intel.

I argued that Bill Gates doesn't have enough charisma to be the Antichrist. Then somehow we got to talking about how wierd Mel Gibson's gotten lately. Have you seen the preview for his latest movie, Apocalypto? Hmmmmkay.
After lunch, I went to pick up Eldon at work, and we went over to see Ildiko and Jesse and exchange photos from the 20's party with them. There were 3 cameras going that night.
The pictures I couldn't wait for were the ones of Eldon and Jesse playing with Ildiko's wig after the party that night..... Sorry guys, they HAVE to be posted..

Jesse "Vogue"ing
all I could think of when I saw this picture, was
"Ooh, you touch my tra-la-la!"
Once I said that a couple of times and Eldon, Jesse and Ildiko all looked at me like I was crazy I had to introduce them to Gunther.
Then we had dinner. Ildiko made lamb. I've never had lamb before. I've never had veal either, but that's just on principle. I bottle fed a week old calf who's mother was a downer and couldn't nurse when I was doing my internship for college, and since that day I can't even think about eating one.

Especially because of the way they are treated before slaughter.
I had a similar experience with lamb. I held a little lamb in my arms while the farm owner docked the tail. However, tail docking on lambs is a necessity for sanitary reasons, and the lamb didn't even flinch when they cut off the tail. I haven't heard or seen anything that suggests that lamb are treated poorly before they go to slaughter, and if they are, I'd rather not know, so please don't tell me.
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