Last night I went with Eldon to his holiday party. Yes, I know the holidays are over, but for some reason they weren't able to do it before Christmas. It actually worked out well though, as I'm sure more people were able to attend this way.
It was at
Racquet Club in Portland, by the zoo. To get an idea of how

upscale this place is, click on the link above.. My favorite part is where it says admision: "If you have to ask..."
So Eldon and I were dressed to the 9's. I borrowed a gorgeous eve

ning gown from my mother, (the same one I had planned to wear to the murder mystery dinner party I ended up skipping to spend the night with Eldon in the hospital.) I really wanted to wear that dress out somewhere. And Eldon was wearing one of Warren's suits. He looked fantastic!
(Side note: Melissa, check out the purse!)
We arrived in enough time to have a couple drinks and I got introduced around before dinner was served. The first course was a salad that had pecans in it. They were coated with something, and I couldn't quite put my finger on it's odd taste. Adrianne, one of Eldon's coworkers said, "It tastes like chili and sugar!" Which was probably the closest way to describe it.
Then came the main course, some really yummy prime rib, but for some reason they saw the need to put a salsa on top of it. It was good once you scraped off most the unnessesary salsa, and they had some little garlic potatos and baby carrots with it.
For dessert, there were two tiny scoops

of icecream which I assumed would be vanilla and chocolate, but the white one turned out to be some sort of buttery flavored icecream, and the brown one was sorta coffee flavored. The best part about it was that it was served in a thin edible peanut brittle bowl.
We chatted with the people at our table a little bit, and I don't

know what Eldon was trying to do to Damon here! But being that Eldon has only worked there a couple months, neither of us knew anyone very well, so we skipped out shortly after dinner.

It was very low-key and comfortable, even though it turned out that I was sorta overdressed for the occasion. I had a good time anyway, but I drank way too much wine!
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