Dog Lady
I had Chinese food for lunch today, and my fortune cookie read, "Without love, there is nothing." I agreed, and thought nothing more of it... until tonight.
I just found out that my friend from high school just gave birth to her third child on Saturday. (Congrats Nicole and welcome to the world, Mary Abigale.)

When I was in high school I had three girl-friends from the seventh grade on. I was always the outgoing one who never had a problem "getting a boyfriend," and they were much shyer with the boys. They all guessed it would be me to be the first one to have a kid. Jenny has 4 kids the last I heard, Nicole now has 3, and Misty has one. I still have no children and have never been pregnant.
Either this makes me very lucky, as I have been engaged once and never been married, or it makes me old and pathetic. I know 28 isn't old, but when a lot of your very old friends are married with children it does start to make one wonder, "what's wrong with me?" I made a lot of choices in my life that virtually ensured I would not be forced to live a life I didn't want. This makes me proud of where I'm at. I do have the freedom to up and "run away from home" anytime I want, whereas my friends I'm sure would love that kind of escape sometimes. But...
I do sometimes wonder, if it will happen for me someday.... I often joke to my friends that I will be the spinster lady, but instead of a houseful of cats, I'll be the crazy dog lady who sits around talking to herself and her 14 dogs. I love dogs, and at least I wouldn't be lonely, but the idea of purchasing a book like this one and actually learning to knit doesn't seem like such a terrible thing, and that makes me more than a little nervous of what the future might hold for me.

The economy declines to where there is no more social security, I lose my home because I use my savings on my dogs, rather than my home.
No offspring, no family, nobody even remembers me by name. I'm just simply...

You will always have a name - just keep bogging!
Thanks for keeping me informed on how my "offspring" is doing. I start to worry when I don't hear anything. He looked good at the holiday party and so did you!
I think that being the "outgoing one who never had a problem getting a boyfriend" just means that you've had more opportunity to be choosy, and to take your time making big decisions like getting married and having kids. I'd say you're lucky! And not at all pathetic. I'm sure you're the envy of many a young, married mother. :)
A certain chauvinistic radio talk show host mentioned he never married because it didn't fit him, and that to do so would ensure that any dreams or aspirations he had would end right there. I think this advice applies to women as well as men. If you have certain ambitions in life, hold off on marriage. For when you have a spouse and children along for the ride, thoughts of "you" instantly go out the window.
From what little I can tell, you're in a good place at the moment. Good friends, okay job, fun is had. Why trade that in to be barefoot and pregnant?
Wait until you're more secure financially and emotionally before attempting such a step...or WISHING for that step. Your future child will thank you.
Whoa!! I didn't mean I wanted one right now! That's even more scary than ending up as the dog lady...
Keyword: someday.
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