It was that time again to go see
Lenea and have my hair redone. This time I wanted to do something different and fun. So I decided I was going to have her do my hair ala Rogue from X-Men except I wanted to keep my red.
Considering the fact that my hair was already red to start with, this was going to be a long process. For lack of something better to blog about, I bring you the entire experience in pictures.
12:38pm Yep, me with no makeup.. Bring it.
1:35pm Like the foil? I look like a home-made space alien.
2:42pm The first washing. My "drowned cat" look.
3:48pm It's not pink, it's
salmon!.. time for more bleach!

5:05pm Thanking Lenea for another job well done!

When it was all over, I drove back from Milwaukie to Vancouver to pick up my dogs, and then

went down to Beaverton to see Eldon. I promised him I would take him out to dinner. We went to the Old Spaghetti Factory near his house for some yummy chicken fetuccini alfredo for me and ravioli for him. It was great. He really liked my new hair too. I'm glad, but even if nobody else likes it, I'm happy with it and that's all that matters!
Oh yeah, I almost forgot.. the bald cat. Monday at work I got to see in person my first Sphinx cat.

He was so cool! He wasn't that human flesh peach color of Mr. Bigglesworth fame, but a beautiful gray color with these enormous green eyes. I'm allergic to cats, but this is one

cat I could actually have. I thought about it until she told me she payed $1200 for him. I think I'll stick with my hairless dog, thanks.
that is one creepy looking cat! nice job on the hair too.
nice hair.
That cat looks like fun.. I think he would put my cat's in their place though. Total apartment domination is what that one looks like he's all about..
i want some fries with cheese.
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