Because I hadn't been doing much lately, I decided to accept not one, but two offers to go see movies yesterday. I've been so tired, that sitting down all day sounded pretty good.
First on the list, Eldon and I went to see Underworld Evolution. I like vampire movies, so of course I liked it, but it wasn't as good as the first one, however the special effects were better. Some of the plotline was skewed and confusing, and the whole thing was very dark and tinged in a blue hue, but it was entertaining nonetheless. I like the way the lycans were done in this one better than the first movie.
After that, Eldon and I skipped across town, (well actually we drove) to

the Mission Theatre to meet up with my mom and her husband. The Mission was playing Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. I had seen the preview for it a long time ago and it looked interesting, but I had completely forgotten what it was about. I don't know why they like the Mission so much, the Kennedy School is so much more comfy to watch a movie at, but they were buying so I wasn't complaining. I got a yummy salad and had their Ruby. I'm not much of a beer person, and neither is Eldon, so the Ruby is just the right amount of fruity with beer to make it bareable for us "non-beer drinker types".

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang was definately the more fun of the two movies I saw today. It didn't have any real message, but it was really fun. There were lots of amusing parts in it, and I even got to tease Eldon that he was "that guy" back in high school. The part where the Briard ran in and snatched his finger gave me quite a chuckle, as well as the hanging on to the coffin above the overpass. (You'd have to see the movie.)
And I was not in formed of this Rubified outing, WHY!?
Kidding, kidding.
You weren't invited cuz moms was buyin. Otherwise I totally would have invited you!
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