Old friends and Presents

I can't say what I did on Tuesday, because it involves a certain someone's birthday present, but I will say it was a lot of fun, and I did get to hang out with my friend Bill all day. He also took me to lunch at Red Robin, where I had a really great "mocktail" called Strawberry Essence. It was a mocktail of course because 1, I didn't really want to drink at lunchtime, and 2, I couldn't find my driver's license. Doh! (It was found shortly after by the way, for anyone concerned.)
After that, I was supposed to meet my friends Patrick and Sharon, as well as Eldon and Cameron for drinks at Rock Bottom. Due to a miscommunication, Patrick and Sharon didn't make it, and Cameron got detained.. So Eldon and I had our REALLY reasonable happy hour dinner and left. I was really looking forward to seeing Cameron, as I haven't seen her in quite some time.
Patrick and Sharon are old friends from about 5 years or so ago, who moved to Texas about the same time I moved to the east coast. I haven't seen them since the night we all went to El Presidente for some really bad karaoke and some really big drinks. I can't remember what the drinks were called, but they were always served in a pitcher. Chris and I were just talking about them the other day, and I still can't remember what they were called. Anyway, we had a lot of fun back in the day that night, and here's a picture I dug up from that time period:

(don't know the guy on the left, Patrick and Sharon in the back, my old roommate Paula is back there too, then me in my blonde phase in 2000, and Jason is the white blur in the front.)
So, I was disappointed that I didn't get to see Patrick and Sharon, but they made it up to me by showing up at my work today and met me for my lunchbreak. We went to this 50's style malt shop by my work, called "Boppin Bo's" and I had a fantastically fattening strawberry shake while we chatted for a few. I'm glad I got to see them again before they went back to Texas. They really are great people.

so sorry to disappoint... thank goodness someone's having a birthday!
Ahh yes! The Consuela! You are so right Casey! Does this mean I now owe you one?
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