I could care less about football. However, Superbowl is a good excuse to have a party. At least that's what Ildiko thought. So, she hosted one. Most of the usual suspects were there, (minus a few) Ildiko, of course, Warren & Abby, Eldon, Brie, and even Peter. There was also, as usual when Ildiko hosts a party, way too much food.
We had little smokie pigs in a blanket,


and what Superbowl party would be complete without a keg?

This was of course a little mini keg that Warren saw at 7-11 and just
HAD to have.

I'm not much of a beer drinker, so I had my own little superbowl drink of choice, Pepsi. Even it was festive with football laces on the cans.

The only people that actually cared about the outcome of the game, was Warren and Abby. They had a little wager going on the game, although both really wanted the Seahawks to win. Warren bet on the Seahawks, so Abby went for the Steelers, just to compete with him.

Abby gloats at Halftime

Warren, not very enthused about the outcome so far.

I don't think we watched much of the game though, as every chance we got, the TV mysteriously changed channels to the
Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet. (
I don't know how that could have happened.) *wink*
I was disappointed in the lack of good funny commercials this year though. For those of us who don't care about football, that's the

only reason to watch TV on Superbowl sunday, except for the above mentioned Puppy Bowl! The group, shown here, mezmerized NOT by the game, but by the Kitty Halftime Show of Puppy Bowl.
In the end, unfortunately for the Seahawks, Abby won the bet.

Jesse was missing, because he was back in NY doing the whole school thing, so he called. We had a lot of fun telling him what he was missing, as each person who talked to Jesse got attacked by two people of the opposite sex while chatting with him.....
Ildi got her lovin courtesy of Eldon and Peter
Warren and Eldon got Brie really good
So good in fact, that they shared a high five after.

Then it was Peter's turn to talk to Jesse. Abby and I distracted him!

Eldon felt left out, being that he was never passed the phone, so Me, Abby and Brie made sure he got some luvin' too! I think that was his best "Eldon Moment" yet!

I love my friends!

Nice Coors keg.
I too watched some of the Puppy Bowl. Wasn't much of a game, though. When I clicked it on, there were two puppies napping. Where's the action?
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