Fun with cats.....
Both are healthy, spayed female cats. Only issue is that neither of them like other animals, so they need to be only pets.
We also took the time to terrorize the ewok... for fun.
She's getting braver though, she's finally decided to stand up for herself against Wes. This is a good thing. Now he will know limitations and they will be able to get along. :)
Action shot!
You missed it this evening. I was on the computer. Crystal was on one side of the chair, Wesley was on the other. Sure, there was the inevitable Staring Conest of DOOM, but the fact that they were occupying the same space at the same time was eerie.
My room's a mammal magnet.
Contest...not "conest"...ugh. I'm horrible with typos today.
Too bad it doesn't attract two legged mammals of the female persuasion! :P
I keed, I keed!
Yeah, laugh it up, fuzzball.
How did the ewok stew turn out?
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