Saturday, August 26, 2006

Lots of ways to Descend...

Saturday after I got off work, Eldon and I went over to Brie and David's house for dinner. It was supposed to be a send off for Jesse as he is heading back to NY for school again as the summer is over. In addition to that, it was a week before his birthday, and since he would be gone, it was a birthday thing as well.

It turns out, it was even more than that still... as Brie announced that David had asked her to marry him! So it was an engagement party as well.

I can't believe the amount of marriages and engagements this year. Crazy. Just about everyone I know is getting married or engaged. Not me though... The running joke of becoming dog lady is still very eminent in my future. I've also been known to joke that the saying "Always the bridesmaid never the bride doesn't even fit... I'm not even IN the wedding!"

That's ok though... I'm not in any hurry. Contrary to what my mother thinks, I'm NOT that old, and I DON'T need to rush out and find me a sugar daddy. I'm fine the way I am, and it will either happen for me, or it won't.

After cake was had, we went to a late showing of The Descent.
It was a very creepy, jumpy movie. The best part, was having a full theatre.. and during one of the jumpy parts, a guy in the row in front of us actually exclaimed, "Jesus Tits!" in fear.

The entire theatre could no longer be scared, as we were all busting up laughing.

When the movie was over, friends of exclamatory guy turn around at him and say, "Jesus Tits?" the guy shrugged, quite embarrassed.

We made plans that once this movie goes on DVD, we have to take it on a laptop and watch it in the Ape Cave, just to REALLY freak ourselves out.

Afterward, we all said our goodbyes to Jesse and headed home.

Hopefully to NOT have nightmares as Brie descends into marriage, Jesse descends into NY, another year under his belt, and I... well... I descend into another new living adventure. More on that soon.


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