Wednesday, April 05, 2006

more fun with Jasmine

I took the dogs for a nice long walk yesterday before work, as it was nice outside. When I was done, I let them run around and play in the grass. Jasmine was rolling around in the sun, and I thought she was just enjoying herself, until she came back over to me smelling like poop! What is it lately with me and shit?!

Apparently, she decided it would be a good idea to roll around in some crap. So... I had to give her a bath before I went to work. She wasn't very happy with that idea. But I wasn't happy with the alternative, so in the bath she went!

She's doing really well not jumping near as much, she sits to have her leash put on and taken off, the crying in her kennel is significantly reduced, but I think that's because she keeps getting out of it! Her and Wesley are getting along great! He's even started playing with her. It's very cute. (Aren't the eyes in this picture crazy? He moved just as the flash went off and he's got Roger Rabbit style eyes!)

After work, I went over to Eldon's for a bit to have dinner. He'd been saying how much he wanted a broiled chicken breast, and then admitted he had "no chicken cooking skills." So we had a nice dinner, watched a little TV and then I headed home.

I'm looking forward to going to work today, because I get to tell my boss she's a moron. I found a loophole in her wanting to give me Mondays and Tuesdays off, thereby making me work Sundays. I had a brand new class that started yesterday, and I have one that starts in two weeks. So we're talking another 3 months before I have no more classes on Tuesdays again. Sorry... your plan to take my only weekend day off from me isn't going to work, because YOU can't read a schedule! I'm sure she will look for another way to make my life miserable, which is why the hunt for a new job continues. I did get a rejection letter from the city of Beaverton... so that's always nice to know you're not qualified for the position you applied for. Way to raise some self asteem! On the flipside however, it's better than hearing nothing at all... which is what I have been hearing for the last 3 weeks.


Blogger Unknown said...

Wet dog smell is a definite improvement from poop smell.

12:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, at least you've STARTED looking for a way out of your craphole...I haven't even started my jobhunt.

11:33 PM  

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