Slippery when wet...

I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off today. It was one of the busiest days we've had in forever. I don't think I stopped moving all day. I had a class at noon, and whlie we were walking around having the dogs greet random customers to insure the dogs are social and don't jump on people, someone slipped and fell in the store!
Apparently she fell so hard people heard her hit the floor. The paramedics came but the lady insisted that she was fine and didn't want any help, we had to fill out an incident report and everything. I'm pretty sure it's because of the pouring rain outside and our very well waxed floors. It's a dangerous combination, so be careful out there!
I also had a 3pm class, one of my prejudicial favorites, (due to the 16 week old Weimaraner puppy named Paris.) and my 4:30 class with the extremely shy black German Shepherd named Karima. She's doing so well now though. She was letting all the strange people in the store pet her and taking treats from them. :)
Hi girl!!! You have an AWESOME page!!! Luv all the pics & expressions! So, you are probably right with Paris' age....I have a phobia with numbers---- no wonder you gave me a silly look when someone was asking me her age on Saturday!!! I'll just have to celebrate her birthday all the time! So, last night we went to Home Depot-- it was fun. She met only one man-- it was all the women (and a mom with her 3 kids- which was totally cool)in there that were coming up to her! HA HA Anyhow, I guess her and I will be hanging out at Home Depots! HA HA-- I forgot the other places you mentioned that allows dogs.......
anyway- great blogs! Have a super week- probably see you- before Saturday!
Go to you can take her to restaurants, dog parks, and I also mentioned REI the sporting goods stores allow dogs.
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