Friday, October 28, 2005

October is Weim month...

At least for me it is. Not only do I have a weimaraner, (the best one in the world,) but I have a 2 year old female in my intermediate class. Today, I spoke with a lady who has a 16 week old weim puppy, and she signed up for my 3pm class that starts tomorrow. Not more than 10 minutes later, I was walking around and ran into another couple, who had a 10 week old weim puppy in their shopping cart! I talked to them for a bit, showed them pictures of Wesley, and SOLD! They are also joining my 3pm class tomorrow!
When I finished with them, I saw a woman walking around with another 16 week old weim puppy! They were everywhere!! The lady explained to me that this one was the last of her litter and she was looking for a home for her. Then the groomer walked out with the mom, and Wesley got to greet her. It was just crazy! The best part, is I may be able to connect the puppy looking for a home, with a loving home. The couple in my 6pm class want a weim puppy. What a great day to be a Weim lover. :)

After work I went with Eldon, Warren, Abby, Peter and Emily to see Saw 2. A really bad idea to go on opening night, by the way. We couldn't sit together, and as a matter of fact, Peter and Emily got the LAST TWO tickets to the showing! I'm glad I got to see it though. It was really well done. I like the thrillers that actually keep you guessing. It wasn't predictable like most horror movies. It was plenty gory, but not in the cheezy "check out strange noises in your underwear and get hacked to bits gratuitous nudity and blood" gory. We were discussing this afterward, but although there were some female characters in the movie, I thought it was great that there was absolutely zero nudity in the whole movie. How non-traditional for a horror movie!~


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