When I was 6, my dad put me in the car and we went on a road trip.... He told me we were going to an Ancient Indian Artifacts museum and a dog show. I said, "a dog show! fun!!" with genuine child-like enthusiasm. He just shook his head lauging at me and took me to Disneyland, Universal Studios and Sea World instead. Of course I wasn't disappointed, however I've always wanted to actually go to a dog show.

So, Eldon and I took Wesley and Rikka to the Vancouver Kennel Club dog show today. I watch them all the time on TV, but have never had the chance to go to one. It was really cool to see all the different breeds of

dogs and see them looking their best. We only stayed for the Weimaraner and Chinese Crested best of breed because we were both really tired, but I really liked it. Wesley was losing it though. He was pretty good, but he kept whining like crazy. Most of the Weims were female, and a couple of them arrived in diapers as they were in heat! I'm sure he was well aware. It sorta drove him out of his puppy mind. He spent the rest of the day grumbly. I think he was mad at us that we took him to the doggy equivalent of a strip club and then he went home unsatisfied. :P
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