Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I need a vacation!

Doesn't everyone? Well it just so happens that I might be able to take a mini one. Eldon's job requires him to travel to do installs in other states, (and countries) and he just got back from Canada, where it was 20 below.

I guess they felt bad about deep-freezing him, because his next install is in Arizona! I haven't seen my dad in over 4 years and he just happens to live in Arizona, so when I heard this I asked if he'd like some company for his trip. So plans are in the works for me to be able to get out of the rain for a few days and see my dad.

This involves a lot of planning, and I thought it was going to be more difficult than it's turning out to be. I asked my job if I could have the 4 days in a few weeks to go, and my boss acted as if it was not a big deal at all! I was literally shocked, however since they cut my hours to the near brink of hardly working at all, I figured I wouldn't be missed.

Then comes the plane tickets. My mother had offered me some of her frequent flyer miles to go on a vacation sometime, and so I had to meet with her last night in order to ask her for them. This was the biggest ordeal of them all actually, as she stated a condition on giving them to me that I have no idea how I'm going to fulfill. My mother and father have a 28 year battle over some pictures of Clint Eastwood, that my dad has in his possession. If I have to hear that story one more time I think I'll die. So we'll see if the tickets are produced or if I have to pay for them myself just so I don't have to deal with the bs that comes along with asking a favor from my mom.

Escaping there, Eldon and I went to see Ultraviolet. The movie wasn't all that good... everyone looked anime-esque over airbrushed, and there wasn't a whole lot to the story, but it's always fun to watch Milla kick some ass. It was supposed to have a message about a world of paranoia and racism but it gets lost in the special effects and fight scenes. If you go expecting nothing, you won't be disappointed. It was fun to watch, although it wasn't anything in the way of content.


Blogger Unknown said...

Arizona huh? I'll be sure to wave to you if I see you.

7:27 AM  

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