I've been tagged!

Four movies I could watch over and over:
1. Willow
2. Supertroopers
3. Boondock Saints
4. The Notebook
Four jobs I've had:
1. Bank Teller
2. Kennel Girl
3. Photographer
4. Dog Trainer
Four places I've lived:
1. Arizona
2. California
3. New York
4. Washington
Four TV Shows I love:
1. Beauty and the Geek
4. Veronica Mars
Four places I've vacationed:
1. Sedona, Arizona
2. Sacandaga Lake, NY
3. Los Angeles, CA
4. El Paso, Texas
Four of my favorite dishes:
1. Fetuccini Alfredo
2. Chicken Cesar Salad
3. any kind of Steak
4. Chicken Parmesan
Four sites I visit (week)daily:
1. Hotmail
2. Myspace
3. friend's blogs
4. Online Banking
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. At the dog park with Wesley
2. Australia
3. on a beach somewhere warm
4. in a certain someone's arms
Four bloggers I am tagging: (In no particular order)
1. Eldon although he won't respond! :P
2. Ge-off
3. David
4. Justin
Was I supposed to FEEL this tag? I didn't see/feel/hear any tag. Or is it slow-moving, like a cybernetic plague BENT ON MY OBLIVION!!!?!?!?
Or should I just up the dose on my medication?
Ooooh, Willow. Good one. Obscure, but good one.
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