Critiquing strippers...

So tonight after work Bill and I went to dinner at some Chinese restaurant near his place. I don't remember the name, but the food was ok. Their sesame chicken was dry, and so was their eggroll. :( However the conversation was worth the less than stellar food.
As soon as we finished, he said, "you done?" I said "yeah" so he said "great, cuz I'm ready for a drink." That's when he told me we were going to Club 205. Hah!
I should have known that we'd end up at a strip club.
Bill has been a manager and a bouncer and a patron of nearly every strip club in the state, as well as some in other states... so he and I spent most of the night critiquing the dancing style of the girls.
There was actually only one girl worth watching. She moved incredibly well, almost in slow-motion, and was stunning. Ironically, she was the oldest girl in the club. Bill gave the most convincing argument as to the reason why we both thought she was the best one to watch. "When men daydream, they do it in slow motion... In every movie where they show a hot scene, they show it slowed down.." Sexuality is about beauty, not about looking like you're having a siezure on stage... remember that kiddies~!
Yes, but none of them know kung-fu. ZEROS ACROSS THE BOARD!!!
I owned you with my kung-fu... no zero for me!
No, I was "pwnd"...totally different category.
And I was "zero"-ing the strippers...not you.
I value my mortality.
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