Sunday, April 30, 2006

Another SoR victory...

at a craptastic venue.

Originally, the second round of Emergenza was supposed to be at Dante's. But due to the intelligent planning of the Emergenza staff, Dante's was already booked for another show that night. So the venue was moved to Loveland, with the cover, "that there was such a high demand for an all-ages venue."

For those of you who haven't been to the Loveland, and I'm sure there's lots... Loveland looks like it used to be a basement warehouse used for producing low budget porn. I mean,


The bonus of making it an all ages venue, besides Jason offering to buy the crowd a round of M&M's (which he didn't follow through on, damn you Jason!) was that Warren could invite all of his students. (He's affectionately known as the 'Bad Professor' after a Steven Lynch song, as he's a professor and drumline instructor at high schools and colleges).

To add to the blunders of the evening, Eldon forgot his camera, so the only photgraphic evidence came from my camera phone, which takes fantastic day pictures, but really really bad low light pictures. Give me a break its a camera Phone, deal. I only took a couple pictures before I realized the effort was futile. Thankfully, Son of Rust played first, so we could all leave right after for some place cooler. We settled on Noir, a gothy lounge a few blocks up from the Loveland to wait for the results. Eldon, Geoff, Ashlee and I arrived first and hung out talking amongst ourselves, which is always a fun experience.

Again, Noir is very dark, so the pictures didn't turn out so well. For your amusement and their embarrassment, I submit...


and that's all I have to say about that.... and Geoff got laughed at for ordering a Shirley Temple. The bartenders retort? "Um, this is a bar."


Blogger Unknown said...

I used to always order Shirley Temples!

Of course... I was 10 years old.

But, man, that sounds good right now.

11:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, I needed a vaccination just to look at the venue.

And I only got the Shirleys because they didn't have near beer. Sue me, I had to drive home. *heh*

3:48 AM  

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