Thursday, April 27, 2006


Today I had a second interview with Care Medical. Although I hope to get the job with the vet clinic as it would be more up my alley, the medical supply place would be a whole lot more convienent commute wise.
The vet clinic is located about 10 minutes from PCC, and they would work around my school schedule, so I would be able to keep the job more long term. However, I don't know if they're going to pay me well enough to survive and keep me in gas money for the 45 minute commute every day.
I would have to leave the medical supply company once I started school, which I'm sure won't make them very happy... but I have to do what's best for my future. I know they're looking for someone for more than just a short term commitment, and I hate disappointing people. Also, I'll have to look for another job once I start school if I take the job.

However, the dog training side tends to really be picking up, so who knows.. I might be able to support myself during school by just doing that! Wishful thinking there, I'm sure.

I went down to Kinko's today and had them print me up 200 pimped out business cards for me though. I have to say pimped out, because I designed them myself. They're sweet! I'll post one as soon as I pick them up tomorrow.

Took Wes to the dog park and ended up giving my number to a pregnant woman with a dominant, food-guarding beagle that she wants to get straightened out before the baby comes. So I guess I should just hang out at the dog park with my cards!

Sunday I get to work with Rocky. A St. Bernard from one of my classes, who all the sudden is afraid of people. He barks at them. It's scary when a dog who's head is bigger than you is barking at you! So I'm going to take him out and work on socializing him away from his family, who can't help him right now because they're too afraid he will bite someone, and they pass that fear down the leash on to him. I fixed Wesley when he had that problem, I can fix Rocky.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's this nifty invention in Portland called the Max. That'd solve some of your commute problem.

11:37 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Tough choice, I say go with the job that will make you happiest.

8:34 AM  
Blogger a_dog's_life said...

Ah yes Geoff, but you forget that I live in Vancouver, and because the idiots in Washington want to think that Vancouver and Portland are SO separate, they refuse to make the Max come up here. The hardest part of the commute is getting over the damn bridge in rush hour traffic.

11:14 AM  

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