Sunday, April 09, 2006

Something unusual...

That was the theme for the party that Geoff invited me to at Aaron's house. Basically, dress in something you wouldn't normally wear. Geoff went as the Sundance South Park episodes "Gay Cowboy eating pudding."

I dressed in a mideval gown, for lack of something better to wear.

I finally got to meet Brittany, and Eldon had to have an Eldon moment TM.

There were a lot of people there, most of whom I didn't know, but it was really fun. Brittany made it a lot of fun, once she found a whip! She then became the life of the party.....

She choked people....

and whipped people....

and Aaron managed to walk into the middle of our conversation regarding becoming a CNA, and heard the quote of the night, straight from Brittany's response.....

"I'm not doing it, you shove your own uterus back in!"

There was lots of alcohol....

Which of course, means as the night progresses.. a party full of self-proclaimed geeks means the camera has lots of photographic evidence that tell the story not everyone wants you to hear....

For example, the Brokeback Mountain references from our pudding eating cowboys...

Head massages....

Silly dancing....

People being really affectionate!

A little too affectionate for some tastes....

I was doing a Jello shot... I swear!

Apparently I missed the real body shots going on, but I was there for the people in their underwear part.....

Was a fun party. Eldon and I both had a great time, and can't wait for the next one~!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was thinking of using the underwear pic...but then I remembered, "Oh yeah, the cowboy thing is enough creepy dose for one day."

5:28 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Certified Nursing Assistant?
Certified Novell Administrator?
Canadian Nuclear Association?

9:38 AM  
Blogger a_dog's_life said...

Do any of the other acronyms other than the first one involve the shoving back in of a uterus? :P You were right the first time.

1:06 PM  

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