Thursday, April 06, 2006

Jasmine's progress

I can't believe how smart this little dog is. She's really doing wonderful. Yesterday I took her to the tennis court in my complex to work on her recalls, because her family said she doesn't come when called when outside.

I didn't have any problems. In fact, there were kids playing basketball in the tennis court/basketball court area, and she checked them out but kept coming to me each time I called her. She didn't even jump on the kids. She even ignored the bouncing balls that were as big as her. I even called her away from checking out the kids.

I also had her lay down and stay, while a little girl rode by on her scooter. I was flat amazed. She didn't even get up to inspect her. I'd have to say I've definately got this little dog's respect. I'm so proud of her.

I was convinced she respected me enough that I even put her through a little dangerous test. I had her walk back to my apartment from the tennis court area off leash. She followed right along! We made a little pit stop at the playground area, just to have some fun.

Today, I decided to challenge her even further, and I took her to downtown Portland to test her walking, distractions and greeting people skills. She did so well. She was still very excited to see people, but learned quickly that most people were going to ignore her and keep on walking. Those that wanted to pet her were good enough to listen to me and not touch her if she jumped, patiently waiting for her to sit before touching her.

We went to Pioneer Courthouse square, and I put her on her retractable leash, so she could run up and down the steps to check things out, and then practiced her recalls. She came right to me each time, even when a small kid was trying to play with her and running up and down the stairs with her, I was able to call her off the kid by making her come to me.

I let her get a drink from the water fountain, and took her for rides in the elevator as well.

She had a really great day I think. I just took this last picture for fun, I thought it was really cute.


Blogger Jackie said...

Of course Jasmine is smart! Small dogs have their intelligence super-concentrated in thier brains!!!! I wish I could play with Jasmine. :)

12:50 PM  

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