Friday, April 21, 2006

I love it when.....

a plan comes together.

I'm hoping I'm not speaking too soon, but this week of stress seems to have paid off, in many ways. I had a really promising interview this week, in fact the boss said if he hadn't already scheduled other interviews he would have hired me on the spot! The pessimist in me says, "Maybe he says that to ALL his interviews," but it sure made me feel pretty good, even if I don't get the job.

The stress and the worry and the jamming as much into as little time as possible, and even the parking ticket was worth it on the school end as well. I had a meeting with the head of the Vet Tech program at PCC, and after reviewing my transcripts from my old college in Pennsylvania, decided that instead of being a normal applicant to the vet tech program, I would be accepted as a transfer student, and that I'm definately IN the program!!!!

Now all I have to do is figure out how I'm going to pay for it... heh.

Eldon finally got the dates nailed down from his job for the Arizona trip... I'm really excited about that. I haven't seen my dad in 4 years! In addition to that, getting out of town and away from it all for a few days sounds FAN-fucking-TASTIC right about now. Mid May, I'll be basking (read baking) in the Arizona sun! woo hoo! I won't even have to pay someone to watch Wesley, as Amy, my future roommate, said she would be happy to watch him.

Perhaps one of the most rewarding things that happened this week, was tonight at work. I knicknamed my Friday 7:30 class, my "devil dogs" class, because in addition to the sweet Springer Spaniel named Rocks, and the unbelievably chill Yellow Lab named Vallen, I have the completely terrified of everything chihuahua named Mocha, who barks and even nipped at me the first couple of weeks of class. Classic fear biter. Also in this class, is Yuki, a Jack Russel/Poodle mix who is probably one of the worst cases of dog-reactionary fear I've ever seen. He barks, he nips at anything nearby if he can't get to what he's afraid of, he rears up on his hind legs and spins out of control... until today. This is the 7th week I've had this class, and for some reason, today was the day they turned around, and I think alot of it has to do with Wesley.
Today, Mocha was venturing out into the center of the training ring, tail up, and curiously sniffing the other dogs and other people.. something she's NEVER done without being forced to do so. and Yuki, PLAYED with Wesley. Wesley played back too, another thing that doesn't happen very often. I was absolutely amazed. I think the "pack mentality" played a role in it, as the balance of calm dogs outweighed the unstable dogs, forcing the unstable dogs to become calm. Again, thanks to Wesley, another class of frustrated dog owners goes home happy. I don't think I'd be half the trainer without this dog. I don't know what I'd do without him. He amazes me every couple of days.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems to be the Week of Whee! for some people. Glad the Powers That Be has counted you among them.

Mundo kudos!

1:36 AM  

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